Artist’s Block - Here’s what helps me!
This is an often-talked about subject, and this is a place I find myself a lot as an artist. There are some days where I'm not able to draw -- that's just a reality at times! However, there are a few things I've found that help with this, so that these days are fewer and far between.
For me, it feels like having a random, spontaneous, non-judgemental drawing session is enough to break me out of artist's block. Frustratingly, some of my drawings will look like drawings I would create much earlier in my art journey. Normally that would make me feel awful -- as if all of the work I put into learning how to draw better didn't matter. However, if I'm able to allow myself to draw freely, my following drawings will improve as I go!
Another point that I didn't realize was so important to creating art is explored in this video, which is about the concept of tempo while drawing. Just as the video speaks about, on days where I find drawing more difficult, my tempo is actually uncomfortable for me without me realizing it. I'd recommend giving this video a watch if you draw even a little bit. It has helped me a lot since watching it!
Thanks so much for reading! If you do run into artist's block, I hope these methods help you to at the very least reduce its impact. Best of luck, and happy drawing!